Academagogical frameworks and models

Academagogical frameworks and models

All the learning theories on the Aussie Educator site – makes this blog article redundant really! :/

And if that’s all too texty, check out this fabulously comprehensive AND interactive image from Richard Millwood.

5E Instructional Model (5Es) – consists of the following phases: engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation.
Community of Inquiry – This model situates the educational experience within three essential elements – social, cognitive and teaching presence. It acknowledges that a group of learners sharing their perspectives brings each of them closer to consensus about the ‘truth’ (which may still be further refined) or problem resolution. The cognitive presence relates to the cognitive ability of the participants; the social element is the ability of the participant to share their characteristics with the community; and the teaching presence refers to the facilitation of learning outcomes from the social and cognitive processes – which is usually the role of the teacher but in the constructivist landscape could also be via the students themselves. An excellent summary here.

Inquiry-based learning – students learn through seeking the answer to a question. It encompasses

  • problem-based learning where the question is in the form of a problem to be solved, initially used in the medical sciences but now more broadly applied. More information from the University of Delaware.
  • project based learning – Differs from Problem Based Learning in that the end result is known, or it may be simply a collection of items.

Situated learning – Brown et al (1988) noted the incongruence brought about by the separation of ‘knowing’ and ‘doing’ in educational establishments and how more robust learning experiences are produced when learning is embedded in the social and physical world.
(Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educational researcher, 18(1), 32-42)
Transition pedagogy – strategies that conceptualize the First Year Experience (FYE) of students as ‘everybody’s business’. Transition pedagogy is suggested to provide the optimal vehicle for dealing with a diverse student cohort through a sense of engagement, support and belonging.
Work integrated learning (WIL) – opportunities for students to apply the knowledge and skills they develop at university in the workplace, and can include activities such as work or clinical placements, practicums, fieldwork, internships, shadowing programs, vacation or volunteer work.

Teaching a clinical skill – Four stage approach (as per Peyton, J.W.R. (1998): Teaching and learning in medical practice. Manticore, Europe: Rickmansworth)

Phase 1: Demonstration – Instructor demonstrates the skill at normal speed.

Phase 2: Deconstruction – Instructor demonstrates the skill by breaking it down into simple steps.
Phase 3: Formulation – Instructor demonstrates the skill whilst being “talked through” the steps by the student.
Phase 4: Performance – Student performs the skill and describes the steps.

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